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Is this a common symptom of central sleep apnea?

May 3rd, 2011

Can anyone with central sleep apnea or experience with central sleep apnea tell me if a common symptom is being startled out of sleep? For instance if someone wakes you up, rather than you waking up on your own, if you wake up panicked and gasping for air? Any input would be GREATLY appreciated =)


P.S. I currently have massive pressure in my head, wake up very startled, am exhausted all day, never feel rested and have a brain tumor in the Pons of my brain.
Actually I haven’t been to a doctor for regular sleep apnea yet. I’m trying to set up an appointment with my oncologist to see if she can refer me.

Panicked and gasping for air, falling asleep during the day, being tired all the time are symptoms of sleep apnea. Get yourself evaluated by a pulmonologist at a sleep center.

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2 Responses

  1. kadel Says:

    Panicked and gasping for air, falling asleep during the day, being tired all the time are symptoms of sleep apnea. Get yourself evaluated by a pulmonologist at a sleep center.
    References :

  2. ehsmom2006 Says:

    Are you being treated for your Apnea? If so you need to let your doctor know of this situation. I have it and this sounds very scary since Apnea involves stopping breathing PLEASE let us know how you are.
    References :

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Central Sleep Apnea | 2 Comments »
