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Sleep Apnea breathing help?

August 23rd, 2011

My daughter has been diagnosed with "Central Sleep Apnea", meaning she breeths normal when awake, but fails to breeth well when asleep. While sleeping her breething becomse very shallow, not enough to keep her oxygen level up. This causes numbness and eventually awakes her every hour or two.

My question is: Are there breething exercises, or natural ways to cure this condition other than just treating the symptoms with oxygen injection or a positiive pressure air machine. She doesn’t want to live with contraptions hooked to her the rest of her life. Any help would be much appreciated. The doctors we have taken her to only want to treat the symptom, not find the cause.

The cause is neurological, unlike the more common "obstructive" type of sleep apnea. Her brain is just not telling the body to breathe the way it should when she’s asleep. Treating the symptoms is about the best you can do at this point….don’t wanna go messin with the brain!

The other answers on here are talking about the other kind of sleep apnea.

12 Responses

  1. AFRET73 Says:

    Take her to an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. There might be sinus problems, enlarged uvula etc..
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  2. mysticduder Says:

    The cause is neurological, unlike the more common "obstructive" type of sleep apnea. Her brain is just not telling the body to breathe the way it should when she’s asleep. Treating the symptoms is about the best you can do at this point….don’t wanna go messin with the brain!

    The other answers on here are talking about the other kind of sleep apnea.
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  3. Duisend-poot Says:

    If she is slightly overweight she needs to lose some weight as the fat around the windpipe is pushing it closed when she is sleeping. But if she is thin she needs to see her Gp who will refer her to a sleep – clinic.
    I also suffer from apnea and my daughter complains about it, i will suddenly gasp for air and carry on sleeping and so it goes on and on. Happens more when i am stressed. Take care:)))
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  4. stacey! Says:

    My dad has this as well and doesnt like to think of the idea of being hooked up to a machine while he sleeps. It didn’t work for him much, but you could try the nose strips to help you breathe.
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  5. eddie9551 Says:

    If she has had a sleep test then I am guessing the doctor checked her over and everything else is normal.
    If your daughter is extremely overweight, losing that weight would help, but a CPAP machine is the way to go
    Tell your daughter it lets her sleep better. It took me 30 days to get used to mine and now I love it, I cant and dont want to sleep without it.
    Apnea is the #1 cause of dying in your sleep. It’s nothing to take lightly
    Good luck
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  6. I_love_life Says:

    My mother suffers from this also. We asked if she could do some exercises to help but she was told it wouldn’t be worth it at all. So now she must use an oxygen mask during the night and she sleeps way better than before. It helped her so much. Now I think there are natural ways to help your daughter… Have you ever heard of Emoto’s works about the incredible power of a simple element like water?
    I invite you to check this website
    and once you are familiar with what this scientific did, you will know that water can be "structured" to help to heal anything or almost. This website offers you special pieces of songs (TB – triple breath) made especially to structure the water you drink and help to recover from whatever you want. You can also contact the owner (Torben who is from Denmark) and who can make one song especially for your problems.
    Good luck to you
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  7. bigfred1954 Says:

    Hi . Sleep Apnea as you know is very serious . For this reason alone you should keep seeing different Doctors if need be .
    I have severe obstructive Sleep Apnea and use a Bi-Pap machine to help me sleep at night .
    From what I have read on this you may be able to have surgery to correct Her medical condition . Do more research
    and sit down with your daughter and go over every option but this needs to be done asap . This can definitely affect ones heart , lungs , cause high blood pressure , and lead to being overweight , which can cause diabetes .
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  8. Retired Says:

    The doctor doesn’t want to find the cause for a couple of reasons. The first is right now there is no cure and the second is who is going to foot the millions of dollars to outfit a lab, pay their bills and salary when research is already being done at labs and Universities.
    If there is another "cure" beside "oxygen injection or positive pressure" I am not aware of it.
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  9. jacko Says:

    See sleep apnoea, at on page 3: it has links to many other sleep disorder websites. You could try sewing a tennis ball in the back of her pajamas, to force her to sleep on her side, which makes for deeper breathing. Alternatively, try hypnotherapy. It would help if she practised deeper breathing every day, to build up those muscles (don’t hyperventilate: just a few deep breaths, often, well spaced apart). If all else fails, there are specialist clinics, but they don’t come cheap.
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  10. cwald888 Says:

    You may want to try acupuncture, or spring forest Qigong.
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  11. dark_and_bright Says:

    I have sleep apnea. If she is overweight – the breathing problems would be reduced or might be alleviated by losing weight – but do not stop using the CPAP machine without medical evaluation. This is a very serious problem – after losing weight she needs to go to the sleep lab for a new evaluation to see if it has helped.

    If your daughter is young, you may be able to look into surgical options – they can remove the tissue at the back of the throat that is causing the obstruction.
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  12. the mazda mechanic Says:

    Being overweight is often an important issue. One thing that helped me was doing facial exercises for a double chin. Either stick your tongue out and try to touch the tip of your nose or push your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Both exercises strengthen the muscles under your jaw.
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Posted by admin1 and filed under Central Sleep Apnea | 12 Comments »
