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Has anyone out there taken Tegretol and suffered from sleep paralysis as a result??

January 31st, 2013

I suffered with horrible sleep paralysis while taking Tegretol (Carbemazapine) and now that I don’t take Tegretol I suffer with a special kind of sleep apnea (central apnea) that is usually brought on by brain trauma or drugs/medication. I am trying to determine if they are all connected….the Tegretol, Sleep paralysis and central apnea. Any serious reply would be greatly appreciated.

Dear "tubby"
I was on tegretol at one point but soon after I started to develop these strange spasms and odd muscle spasms during the night. Shortly thereafter I started to get seizures. They are not epilepsy or gran mal. They are now being called "stress seizures". But to me it is way too coincidental that this started when I was on Tegretol. I dont have difinitive answers, I really wish I did. I hate to see someone else suffering. I woudl recommend you do a search for adverse effects to Tegretol. This is a good start here and I really do hope you get some answers. I am sorry I couldn’t offer you more help or better hard proof. I’m sorry that you are going through this. I sincerely hope that you feel better soon and get the best treatment possible for your apnea. One thing to keep in mind is a sleep study.

2 Responses

  1. happylilbumblebee Says:

    Dear "tubby"
    I was on tegretol at one point but soon after I started to develop these strange spasms and odd muscle spasms during the night. Shortly thereafter I started to get seizures. They are not epilepsy or gran mal. They are now being called "stress seizures". But to me it is way too coincidental that this started when I was on Tegretol. I dont have difinitive answers, I really wish I did. I hate to see someone else suffering. I woudl recommend you do a search for adverse effects to Tegretol. This is a good start here and I really do hope you get some answers. I am sorry I couldn’t offer you more help or better hard proof. I’m sorry that you are going through this. I sincerely hope that you feel better soon and get the best treatment possible for your apnea. One thing to keep in mind is a sleep study.
    References :

  2. stephi Says:

    I was put on Lexapro and shortly after started having seizures in my sleep. I asked my dr. if the lex. could be causing the seizures she assured me NO.
    wondering now if she is wrong? I have also been told I have sleep apnea I have known for a long time I have sleep problems. so have done the sleep clinic and yes I have severe sleep apnea, waiting on the dreaded cpap. my dr. now has me on trazodon for the seizures. and still on lexapro. I just want off both of them. maybe depression isn’t so bad after all.
    References :

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Central Sleep Apnea | 2 Comments »
