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Question about sleep apnea.?

January 21st, 2012

I have moderate obstructive and central sleep apnea. My blood oxygen levels according to sleep study dropped down to 60. I tried the CPAP machine for a couple of months and finally gave up. And I can’t sleep with that dental appliance either. BTW I am tall and very thin, medically I would be considerated underweight.

I am looking to buy a pulse oxyimeter with alarm that would wake me when my oxygen gets too low, like below 80. Do you think this would work? Where is a good place to buy one?

I would think that would wake you up just as much as sleep apnea.

Go to the place that supplied you with your machine and ask them to be fitted for a new mask. They have ton’s of choices and there is bound to be one that will work for you. If you find a nice respiratory therapist who is willing to spend extra time with you, you can find a mask or nose mask that will work right for you.

Good Luck!

I’ve had sleep apnea for years and it took a while to find a working mask.

2 Responses

  1. ibowdowntobam Says:

    I had sleep apnea for the first 14 years of my life (I still might have a mild case). However, I had surgery to fix it and now no longer have problems with it. My mother uses a CPAP machine, but she said it takes a while to get used to it so maybe that was your problem. I can’t imagine it being too comfortable. As for the thing with the alarm, I don’t see how you could sleep normally when an alarm is going off everytime your oxygen gets low, because it probably happens countless number of times a night.

    Talk to your doctor about it though, if you want to try it since you seem to have tried the alternatives. They would also know where to order one from, otherwise you’d have to order from an online site.
    References :

  2. Bernie * Says:

    I would think that would wake you up just as much as sleep apnea.

    Go to the place that supplied you with your machine and ask them to be fitted for a new mask. They have ton’s of choices and there is bound to be one that will work for you. If you find a nice respiratory therapist who is willing to spend extra time with you, you can find a mask or nose mask that will work right for you.

    Good Luck!

    I’ve had sleep apnea for years and it took a while to find a working mask.
    References :

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Central Sleep Apnea | 2 Comments »
