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Sleep apnea-CPAP mask-face marks and lines?

February 7th, 2011

Is there a way to quickly get rid of the lines and marks my CPAP sometimes makes on my face? It can get embarassing having to go out in public with these indentations from the mask. Thanks.

There are different mask as everyone face is different. Visit for a wealth of information.

I found a mask a like, I wake up with the marks but they are generally gone by the time I get to work. It is the least of my problems.

I just found a mask called a sleep weaver, that I want to try.

3 Responses

  1. Christopher Says:

    I have the same problem, and I’m just dealing with it for now. Some one did tell me to use cotton balls on the straps which would soften the marks on your face I just haven’t tried it yet.
    I just you would just tape them on the straps.
    References :

  2. casdave2001 Says:

    Yeah simply fire up the old iron and…. Sorry couldn’t help that.
    Splash some cold water on your face. Otherwise, boy are you vain.
    God bless and keep you healthy.
    References :

  3. Mary Says:

    There are different mask as everyone face is different. Visit for a wealth of information.

    I found a mask a like, I wake up with the marks but they are generally gone by the time I get to work. It is the least of my problems.

    I just found a mask called a sleep weaver, that I want to try.
    References :

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea CPAP Masks | 3 Comments »
